


Progress of the dialogue


The first meeting (5 November 2004) was an experiment, ‘a testing of the waters’: 20 students were invited, 15 outsiders (medical professionals, artists, business and other interested people) and 15 college staff members/executives from the wider Rehab organisation. In the event 55 people turned up. We had a very successful and sometimes stormy meeting. It seemed to us that the group of adult students were more vocal than the staff/professional group and we subsequently canvassed people by post as to whether we should for a short time run two parallel dialogues, one for professionals and one for so-called service users. The idea was that professionals might get to know each other better and find a voice to engage more fully in the process. There was not however a great response to that idea, so we reverted to having all subsequent dialogues as full spectrum meetings.

其中一個學院學生Gemma Burke,當時離開學校,但繼續出席深度匯談。她對深度匯談特別的用心,願意在會議時做一些忠實的筆記,之後整理成書面記錄。Gemma近一年來從未中斷的記錄,同時也在深度匯談中當一名貢獻者,最後她決定放下紙筆,這樣她才能更全心的參與。Gemma已經將所有的記錄打字,集結成冊,放在學院的圖書館中。

One of the college students, Gemma Burke (who has since moved on but who continues to attend the dialogues) took a particular interest in the dialogues and offered to take pertinent notes during the meetings to be written up afterwards. Gemma kept up this effort – of taking notes while also being a contributor to the dialogues – for nearly a year, before deciding to drop the note-taking so that she could be a more relaxed participant. Gemma has typed up and bound these notes to place them in the college library.


We have met on a monthly basis since November 2004. Some people have come for a number of meetings and then dropped off, but there continues to be consistent interest among students. Currently, the number of people attending fluctuates at around 30 or 35. At different stages executives from the Head Office have joined us for one or more meetings and indicated that they were impressed at hearing the voices of people who have first hand knowledge of psychiatric hospitals, the medical model of treatment, isolation, marginalisation and stigmatization. One of the possible ‘weaknesses’ of this dialogue on mental health has been the small number of doctors, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses that have been attending: when they have attended, their presence has been a significant contribution.