

深度匯談不是…… What dialogue is not


Dialogue is not discussion, a word that shares its root meaning with "percussion" and "concussion," both of which involve breaking things up. Nor is it debate. These forms of conversation contain an implicit tendency to point toward a goal, to hammer out an agreement, to try to solve a problem or have one's opinion prevail. It is also not a "salon", which is a kind of gathering that is both informal and most often characterized by an intention to entertain, exchange friendship, gossip and other information. Although the word "dialogue" has often been used in similar ways, its deeper, root meaning implies that it is not primarily interested in any of this.

「對話」(dialogue)對訓練團體(T-groups)或敏感性訓練(sensitivity training)而言並非新名詞,縱使深度匯談與這些及其它相關的對話形式表面上很相似。它也許有心理治療的結果,但它沒有企圖把焦點放在消除參與者情緒上的障礙,也不是要去教導、訓練或分析,不過深度匯談仍是一個時常發生學習和化解障礙的園地。儘管問題可能在深度匯談參與者之間增進了理解和建立了夥伴關係之後,在過程中或結束後圓滿的被解決。但它不是用來解決問題、調解衝突的技巧。如同我們強調的,深度匯談主要是用來探索觀念的活動。

Dialogue is not a new name for T-groups or sensitivity training, although it is superficially similar to these and other related forms of group work. Its consequences may be psychotherapeutic but it does not attempt to focus on removing the emotional blocks of any one participant nor to teach, train or analyze. Nevertheless, it is an arena in which learning and the dissolution of blocks can and often do take place. It is not a technique for problem solving or conflict resolution, although problems may well be resolved during the course of a Dialogue, or perhaps later, as a result of increased understanding and fellowship that occurs among the participants. It is, as we have emphasized, primarily a means of exploring the field of thought.


Dialogue resembles a number of other forms of group activity and may at times include aspects of them but in fact it is something new to our culture. We believe that it is an activity that might well prove vital to the future health of our civilization.
