行動學習在企業的具體應用 - 以企業教練為例








題: 行動學習在企業的具體應用 - 以企業教練為例

引導者:台北教練社群:黃婷, 黃仁勇, 曾郁卿,Edward Chen

日 期:20081022(星期四)

時 間:晚上7時至930分



行動學習 (Action Learning) 是透過互動、反思的過程,從『改變』當中學習,並將過程中所產生的體會,轉化成行動步驟或行動方案。今天的工作坊,將由台北教練社群的四位教練: James, Chrissie, EdwardTina共同分享。他們分別來自不同背景,擁有多元教練經驗與觀點,且非常熱心地想與參加本單元的夥伴們一起創造體驗式學習。這個單元的目的是讓大家透過練習,瞭解如何提出有創意的問題,進而找出組織所面臨的挑戰,及挑戰背後隱含的潛力或意義。此外,也希望透過活動,讓參與夥伴有機會將『教練精神』帶回各自的組織應用。

『智慧圈』 這個單元,將請現場的夥伴提供個人案例,分組進行。活動過程中,學習教練(Learning Coach) 會視進行的情況適當地提問,以引岀學習重點、激發新觀點,協助提供案例的夥伴,藉由團隊的協助,獲得個人學習。

在『智慧圈』之後,將由 James Chrissie分別與我們分享組織內部教練與外部教練的實務經驗與觀察。問答時間,則讓大家透過集體對話與智慧交流,進一步探索個人有興趣的議題。




Opening & Grounding

Tina – Grounding : introduce the idea, roles and process Wisdom of Circle

It could be used in a group where participants are familiar with each other or not. People who are acquainted with each other could set up a common goal.

l The issue must be real and bother the presenter for a while (not too big and not to small)

l Presenter will commit to take action.

Wisdom Circle

Wisdom Circle Practice and Experience

Process: divide participants in small groups in advance

l Pick out 1 presenter

l Presenter demonstrates the issue and share (1) what went well and what did not work and (2) What is the situation and his/her feelings now.

l Team members write down their understanding of the presenter’s issues. 3~4 team members define the issues.

l Learning Coach make sure that every team member fully perceive the situation and feelings of the presenter and it should be clarified by presenter

l 1st run: Each team member asks questions in turns.

l Presenter writes down the questions raised by team members.

l After 1 run (for the first level of discovery), presenter first thanks to the group’s contribution and second answer one question that he/she is willing to share with the group. Presenter tells the group that (1) which questions bring up a learning point or different perspective which impresses or moves him/her (2) what’s his or her learning points?; (learning coach could ask some following questions here to help presenter have deeper thoughts of the learning points/turning points.)

l 2nd run: Free for all to ask questions.

l Presenter shares (1) and (2) again

l Learning coach invite 2-3 participants provide their suggestions of feedback

l Presenter shares (3) What is the action he would take to make the shift or change (action plan)

In class sharing

l Led by James: ask 3 volunteers to sharing their experience and observation from the Wisdom Circle

l Bring up some key concepts of coaching and action learning

Internal Coach

Coach Sharing

l From internal coach’s points of view

l Take James’s company for example.

External Coach

Coach Sharing (15 min)

l From internal coach’s points of view

l Take Chrissie’s case for example.


Open floor for Q&A.

黃婷 Tina Huang

目前任職於資誠會計師事務所人力資源發展部 (Human Capital)。負責針對不同職級設計與講授 "教練文化" 相關課程,並於課程中導入 Team Based Learning 以及 Action Learning 觀念。Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) 引導師認證、訓練發展管理師認證、將於200912月取得 International Coach Academy 認證。享受與 Coach Community 的夥伴分享推廣 coaching 觀念之外,也擔任個人教練。

黃仁勇 James Huang

· 元虹股份有限公司副總經理, 公司內部學習型組織/組織學習總設計師, 公司內部引導師,教練

· ICA (International Culture Association) 引導師認證中

· 東吳大學企管系兼任講師、台北科技大學營建知識管理系列研討會講師

· 台北縣工業會企管研發會講師、基層公務人員研習營講師、金屬研究發展中心知識管理種子顧問師訓練課程訓練師

曾郁卿 Chrissie Tseng

· 光點國際管理顧問公司, 總經理暨首席企業教練

· 國際教練聯合會 (ICF, International Coach Federation), 專業級認證教練 (PCC, Professional Certified Coach)

· 亞洲教練聯盟 (APAC), 2007/2008年度 台灣教練代表

· MBTI人格評量工具國際認證引導師

· 目前已擁有70位以上教練客戶與超過1,700個小時之付費教練時數


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E-Mail Address

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Volunteers Team of Facilitators Forum

Jackie Chang張桂芬:kfjackiechang@gmail.com

Evie Lin林依瑋:[email protected]

Tara Hsueh薛碧雯:[email protected]

Vincent Chen 陳世仁:[email protected]

Jorie Wu 吳咨杏:[email protected]


台灣引導者論壇會是來自各個領域與興趣的專業人員所組成,以非正式的聚會的方式組成一個學習性共同體。我們期待您的參與並分享您的經驗。歡迎轉寄此邀請函給您認為有興趣的朋友。更多訊息歡迎參觀引導者論壇部落格: http://facilitatorsforumtw.ning.com/